Sunday, April 15, 2007


Hello everyone!

Before I actually start writing here, I'd like to make a few things clear.

I've always been scared of writing. There has always been this thing in my head that whatever I write, it won't be appreciated. I think I suck at it. Kinda have this phobia, you can say! Probably because I don't read as much as some people I know. I tend to screw up vocabulary and grammar sometimes. So all in all, I’m not a very pen-friendly person.

But still, certain events have unfolded over the past few days that deserve documentation. Yes, they have been documented enough times by other people, but I think I should chip in too.

And the title is so apt, isn't it!? 'My ATTEMPTS AT WRITING'!

Please overlook all the errors.


That Girl said...

So I get to make the first ever comment on your blog!! Yay! :-)

Coming to the post, you know what I told you, don't you. From now on, always remember The Slap. Will you??

So in spite of the fact that I don't agree with your assessment of your own writing skills (having read in advance your next post, hah! Privileged person)... still find the blog URL very cute. :-)

Do keep blogging. You know why!

Silver Mist said...

Oh wow! A new blogger! V, I'm beyond excited!!

Damn, I so wanted to be the first here!! :(
Anyway, moving on, nice introduction! I know about The Slap too! You'll get one from me too, if you do you know what!! :)
Nice beginning, awesome URL.

Yes, you can thank me for all the help I've given you! *Oh stop V, stop slobbering all over my feet! It's ok..*

Keep at it. Don't be lazy like me!
Muah! :)

Jayant said...

I'm reading but I'm not believing. 'Whoa!' is all I can say righ now. :D
And what's the story behind The Slap? Temme temme...

RB said...

Hello Vidur!

I got an SMS from Amiya to check out some link she'd left in Jayant's scrapbook, I saw it was to a blog, noticed that it's a new blog, immediately started reading this post and I KNEW it was you. No, I didn't even care to look at the name in the sidebar.
I don't know why that happened and I don't know why you have this phobia but I can tell you that you don't need to have it. I know I'm no great guns when it comes to writing and it's not easy blogging among the likes of Amiya, Jayant and some other amazing writers if I start judging my own writing. Just chill. Have fun. Write whatever you want to. And both these pieces are amazing for a start. I'll die of embarrassment if someone read my first posts.

So you better stick to blogging!! :-)

vidur said...

@Amiya: Yay you’re first! :)
And no I will never forget the slap (or its modified version :P)!
I still think my URL is very apt, I got a lot help from you and Ishani for these posts and I’m yet to be tested!! :)

@Ishani: It’s ok! You got to first in the second one...
And despite your antics, I’ll still thank you for all your help!

@Jayant: I can’t believe it either!
The Slap Story: I sent Amiya my posts for her approval when I met her online, instead of replying back on gtalk or messaging, she immediately called me up from her cell to tell me that I ACTUALLY write well and should never say ‘I can’t write’ again! And if I ever did, she would come and slap me.

@Richa: I’m glad my blog gives out my aura :P
Thanks for the encouraging words… I hope I listen to you and keep writing!
And I’ve read your first post, it’s as good as any!

Anant said...

congrats on over coming you fear of writing!!! yay!!! i shall be number 5 to comment..and that too after a very long

Anant said...

oops number six including you